Thursday, December 26, 2019

Lying and Honesty - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 824 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Truth Essay Did you like this example? Lying Lying is an important social category. We, as humans, tend to react negatively to ‘‘lies and the lying liars who tell them’’ (Franken, 2003). We humans, expend considerable effort and resources developing techniques to detect lies and liars, both as a practical matter when, say, developing technologies to screen for terrorists at airports, and as a moral matter when assigning blame and evaluating character. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Lying and Honesty" essay for you Create order These efforts all assume a conception of lying. A defective conception will lead to inappropriate moral evaluation of assertions and confound the effort to systematically detect lies. So there are moral and practical benefits to a complete and accurate conception of lying. And improving our understanding of the concept of lying improves our understanding of important social and moral judgments implicated by lying. What is it to lie? The standard view in social science and philosophy is that a lie is a dishonest assertion. You lie if you say something which you think is false in order to deceive your audience into believing it. Lying does not require your assertion to be objectively false, only that you believe it is false. This has long been the standard view in philosophy. Social scientists adopt the same basic definition. For example, a widely cited textbook on lying says that it is defined solely from the perspective of the deceiver and not from the factuality of the statement. A statement is a lie if the deceiver believes what he or she says is untrue, regardless of whether the statement is in fact true or false.Several studies have shown that lying requires deceptive intent. Both children and adults view deceptive intent as necessary for lying, but no empirical studies have shown that lying does not require objective falsehood. Instead, philosophers and social scientists reject a falsehood requirement by appealing to their intuitions about thought experiments (Mahon, pg2). The one empirical study of the issue found some evidence that falsity is one of several features associated with a prototypical lie (Coleman Kay, pg 12). But falsity was judged to be the least important element of the prototypical lie, most participants attributed lying even when the assertion was true, and the study had several methodological flaws. In particular, the conditions were not minimally matched, so we cannot be confident that a difference in truth-value is responsible for ob served differences in people’s judgments; participants knew the purpose of the study, which raises the possibility of socially desirable responding; and no steps were taken to avoid agreement bias or order effects. The studies reported below avoid all these problems. rest to better understanding the important social category of lying. Honesty All human relations rely on trusting that those in the relations will, as a rule, tell the truth. Honesty seals a relationship with trust, and too many breaches in honesty can corrode any relationship beyond repair. Friendships, family, work, and civic relations all suffer whenever dishonesty comes to light. No one wants to be known as a liar because people shun liars as individuals who can’t be trusted. Honesty’s vital role in human society has been observed and celebrated for all of recorded history. The ancient Greeks considered the goddess Veritas to be the â€Å"mother of virtue†; Confucius considered honesty to be the essential source of love, communication, and fairness between people; and of course the Bible’s Old Testament prohibited bearing false witness. The two most universally heralded US presidents (George Washington, who â€Å"could not tell a lie,† and Abraham Lincoln, who was known as â€Å"Honest Abe†) were acclaimed for the ir trustworthiness. In this same vein, religious leader Gordon Hinckley has written that â€Å"where there is honesty, other virtues will follow† indicating, as did the ancient Greeks, the pivotal role of truthfulness in all moral behavior and development. Hinckley’s comment, which was made in his alarm-sounding book on â€Å"neglected virtues,† points to the problematic status of honesty in our society today. Truthfulness may be essential for good human relationships and personal integrity, yet it is often abandoned in pursuit of other of life’s priorities. Indeed, there may be a perception in many key areas of contemporary lifelaw, business, politics, among others, that expecting honesty on a regular basis is a naive and foolish attitude, a â€Å"loser’s† way of operating. Such a perception is practically a mandate for personal dishonesty and a concession to interpersonal distrust. When we no longer assume that those who communicate with u s are at least trying to tell the truth, we give up on them as trustworthy persons and deal with them only in an instrumental manner. The bounds of mutual moral obligation dissolve, and the laws of the jungle reemerge. Conclusion In short, lying is a disease that has been around since the beginning of time. If I continue to lie I will be harming my own future. Honesty is one of the things that must be upheld at all times, no matter the circumstances.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Horror Movies The Horror Movie Genre - 859 Words

From people gathered around a campfire telling scary stories to people gathered in a crowded theater people love to be frightened. Scary stories were told to teach a lesson or warn someone about something. Horror movies specifically slasher movies do more than just entertain us in their way, they also warn us to be aware of what we’re doing or our surroundings. In most slasher films, there are certain scenarios that have been repeated and copied from the beginning of the genre. Because of the numerous imitations by other films in the past and the present the themes put forth in ground breaking slasher movies are continually reinventing the genre and have added significantly to horror movie history. The definition of a horror film, â€Å"is a film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience’s primal fears (â€Å"Horror Films† (1))†. In the beginning gothic novels by literary works by Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker and Edgar Allan Poe inspired the horror movie genre. These literary works entertain us by teaching us about society or human behavior. When the Lemiere brothers created the film â€Å"Spook Tale† in 1895 it was the first telling of a scary story on film. It wasn’t until 1896 when Georges Melies created the film â€Å"The Manor of the Devil† making it the first horror film some experts argue. Often times there are themes or motifs from past films that in some of the modern films may homage to. In 1932 George ArchainbaudShow MoreRelatedMovies : Genres Of Movies892 Words   |  4 PagesGenres of Movies Movie theater tickets have become increasingly more expensive in recent years. As a result, movie genres that offer a broad range of entertainment and stimulation can make the theater going experience more worthy of the ticket price. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The common wealth party Essay Example For Students

The common wealth party Essay The second character I will now comment on is Sheila who is a member of the younger generation. Again the inspector has a methodical approach and is able to receive all the information he requires and doesnt have to speak a great deal in order to get what he wants. He only talks to one character at a time to stop confusion and so that he doesnt leave himself in a difficult distressing position. He has an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness, which shows us that he grows and remains solid while each of the characters crumble in distress. He is a catalyst, which gives him the advantage against Sheila and his other victims. He is there to bring about change and dissolve the affluent status quo. We will write a custom essay on The common wealth party specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now His use of economical questioning gives him the aptitude to draw information from Sheila as they have a desired affect, which she isnt very aware of at this point. The inspector asks his questions relatively fast and in this case of doing so he receives a rather fast answer. But they fail to recognise, they gave him what he wanted. A nice little promising life there, I thought, and a nasty mess somebodys made of it. There is a sense of dryness in the way the inspector speaks and yet he cleverly points out the obvious. He allows Sheila to think, allows here to realise what she has done and since she is a member of the younger generation she accepts her responsibility. Yes, but it didnt seem to be anything very terrible at the time. Dont you understand? And if I could help her now, I would. Through Sheila Priestley separates the difference between the older and younger generation. But these girls arent cheap labour, therere people. Priestley includes this quote to show that she realises that she has responsibilities for others and how wealth and power has an impact upon her community. However the older generation fail to accept this responsibility. It isnt going to do us much good. The press might easily take it up. This is an example of the older generation. They just cared about appearances and, reputations and fall short to see the impact they have on others and in this case there wasnt one mention of Eva Smiths case, which backs up the argument even more. Whereas the younger ones accept what theyve done. Through Sheila Priestley allows us to see the class system of the time. Priestley helps us understand that the younger generation are the future and through this play he helped people seize opportunity and to build a better, more caring society.  It is important to focus our attention on the inspectors final speech as it has a huge effective impact upon the structures and effectiveness of the play. The inspector is an allegory as he has a fixed symbolic meaning. He acts as a socialist, believes that wealth should not only belong to one person but also be spread all around and share responsibility for each other. We dont live alone. We are members of one body. After this speech it takes you back to when Mr Birling said, Youd think everybody has to look after everybody else, as if we were all mixed up together like bees in a hive. In contrast the inspector believes we all have collective responsibility and as members of a community, we must live together or we will face fire, blood and anguish. From this he clearly means war. However Mr Birling acts as a capitalist, believes that wealth should only be for ones who earned it and be spread through only groups worthy of it.  Inspector Goole tries to demonstrate how people are responsible for how they affect the lives of others. He sees the world as districts, were everyone should be helping each other (socialism). The fact of the timing of his entry was very significant because Birling was talking about how every man should look after himself. So now the inspector articulates how everyone has a responsibility. .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a , .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .postImageUrl , .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a , .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a:hover , .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a:visited , .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a:active { border:0!important; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a:active , .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u015ff125a323db7853d6e4ef5147c58a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pathetic Fallacy in Romeo and Juliet in Act 3 Scene 1 EssayThe inspector is talking about a collective responsibility where everyone in society is linked in the same way that the characters are linked to Eva Smith. Everyone is apart of one body. The inspector sees society as more important that individual interests. The views he is propounding are like those of Priestley who was a socialist.  The inspectors final speech has a different impact upon each generation. The old are set in their ways. They are utterly confidant that they are right and that they see the young as foolish. They have never been forced to examine their consciences before and are unable to do it now as the old saying goes, you cant teach an old dog new tricks. However the young are open to new ideas. This is first seen early in act one when both Eric and Sheila express sympathy for the strikers, an idea that terrifies Birling, who can only think of production, costs and ignores the human side of the issue. Just because the miners came out on strike, theres a lot of wild talk about possible labour trouble in the near future. Dont worry. Weve past the worst of it. Also the young examine their conscience and see the human side of Evas story and are troubled by their part in it. Soon after the inspectors departure the family discuss what has happened and their suspicions about him. As they find out that the inspector isnt really what he said to be, the older generation are relieved and already building another faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade, as the stage direction says Has his drink now, and raises his glass. In contrast the younger generation still accept the part they were involved in. Thats whats important-and not whether a man is a police inspector or not. This quote identifies that the inspector has had a huge impact upon Sheila and has been successful in her case as being her conscience and made her face up to her responsibility. But compared to the older ones they take his true identity nothing but a joke and put the young girls death behind them and build another. We can be optimistic that the young-those who will shape the future society are able to take on board the inspectors message. Weve all been had. Ultimately we find out the inspectors true identity nearing the end of the play and it makes us wonder, who is the inspector? Well first of all Priestley was concerned with social inequality. Priestley was so concerned that he did all he could to set up a political party called The common wealth party. He wanted public ownership of land, greater democracy and new morality. His party soon merged with the labour party and soon developed the wealth fair state. Priestley may have also thinking partly about the World War they had just lived through the result of governments blindly pursuing national interest at all costs. Well who was the inspector? I believe the he represents Priestleys strong moral view. The moral dimension of allowing people like the Birlings to see that they can find forgiveness through future good. Behaviour makes Goole different from the normal policeman. He is more concerned with morality than legality. Inspector Goole is what puts the structure of this play together. Not only does he teach the characters on stage a lesson but also kept the audience engraced and full of tension and suspense throughout, from beginning to end. As a dramatist he has the skill to provoke thought and debate throughout the world. Priestley made the audience understand that the ruling classes saw no need to change the status quo but afterwards there was a great desire for social change. Since Priestleys creation of the inspector, times and situations have changed massively since 1945.

Monday, December 2, 2019

With reference to one specific area of the media d Essay Example For Students

With reference to one specific area of the media d Essay iscuss the ways it may be termed popular cultureFor this essay I am going to be studying the popular animated TV series The Simpsons and saying why I think that it is a classic example of popular culture texts. The programme is twenty-five minute animation about a family at the bottom of the social ladder, the Simpsons. Revolving around the central family the show takes a sideways look at the life of ordinary American people. The family has five main members; Homer the father of the family is a blue-collar worker at the local nuclear power station. Marge the mother is a housewife who stays at home all day, then there are the children. Bart (a mischievous prankster) and Lisa (school swat) are pre-teens and lastly there is baby Maggy who doesnt do that much at all. Every week the family get into various and amusing scrapes and generally carry out the activities that a working class family are supposed to do. There are many factors that could categorise The Simpsons as being popular cul ture, one of them being its intertexuality. The show makes great use of both parody and pastiche as a reference to other popular culture texts such as Star Wars, Psycho and the James Bond films. The programme also features guest appearances by stars of popular culture, such as actors, sports personalities and musicians. Very few people in these roles could be classed as examples of high culture. The other major factor in The Simpsons being termed popular culture is the fact that the show is in animated form. No form of animation has ever been seen as a worthy piece of culture by academics and those who decide what is significant and what is not. We will write a custom essay on With reference to one specific area of the media d specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now To establish just why The Simpsons can be termed as popular culture we have to define just what it is that we mean by the phrase popular culture. To put it in its most simple form popular culture can be anything that isnt categorised as high culture. Academics and members of certain social groups look down on anything termed popular culture as dumbed down entertainment for the masses and something that isnt worthy of reading. These people attack popular culture as being vulgar and brash, they say its texts are insignificant culturally and that they are only superficial forms of entertainment. Popular culture on the other hand strives to include all forms of entertainment and cultural texts. Raymond Williams defines popular culture in four basic points; 1, its well liked by many people, 2, inferior kinds of work, 3, its work that deliberately sets out to win favour with the people and 4, culture actually made by the people for themselves. So lets take these points and use them to see if they can define The Simpsons as popular culture. Ok then point 1, something thats well liked by many people, well The Simpsons certainly is that. Its takes up one of the highest positions in the ratings charts, which are published in the Radio Times magazine as well as on their website. These figures can also be obtained from the BBCs site, and American audience figures are freely available on the web. During this summer the Auntie screened a Simpsons night, an evening dedicated to the show, something which is very rare and shows us how significant a show it is for the BBC. Point 2, an inferior kind of work. Well the show is an animation, a form of entertainment which until recently was seen as something just for the kids. The only artistic merit going to the drawing skills of the animators. 3, work that deliberately sets out to win favour with the people. Right from the start The Simpsons was intended as something that everyone could enjoy. It began life as a small segment on th e Tracy Ullman show, which was very popular in the USA, so you can say that it was targeted to be something that was hugely popular. And finally point 4, culture made by the people for themselves. Creator Matt Groening was never a culturally snobbish academic; he was an ordinary person who wanted to create