Wednesday, August 26, 2020

American Torture Techniques Against Detainees

American Torture Techniques Against Detainees The U.S. government has been blamed for utilizing torment light or moderate physical weight against prisoners, people held in authority for political reasons, commonly on the grounds that they represent a particular danger to the U.S. or on the other hand have data vital to American security. In commonsense terms, I don't get this' meaning? Palestinian Hanging This type of torment is sometimesâ referred to as Palestinian hanging because of its utilization by the Israeli government against Palestinians. It includes restricting the detainees hands behind his back. After exhaustion sets in, the detainee will definitely fall forward, putting full body weight on his shoulders and hindering relaxing. In the event that the detainee isn't released,â death by crucifixionâ may in the long run outcome. Such was the destiny of U.S. prisoner Manadel al-Jamadiâ in 2003. Mental Torture The main measure for torment light is that it must leave no physical imprints. Regardless of whether U.S. authorities are taking steps to execute a detainees family or erroneously guaranteeing that the pioneer of his fear cell is dead, a consistent eating routine of deception and dangers can be effective.â Tactile Deprivation Its amazingly simple for detainees to forget about time when theyre secured up cells. Tangible hardship includes evacuating all commotion and light sources also. Guantanamo prisonersâ were also bound, blindfolded and wore ear covers. Regardless of whether detainees exposed to long haul tactile hardship can in any case tell fiction from the truth involves some debate.â Starvation and Thirst Maslows progressive system of necessities recognizes essential physical needs as the most basic, more so than religion, political philosophy or network. A detainee might be given simply enough food and water to endure. It might take up to seven days before he shows up genuinely more slender, yet his life will come to rotate around a mission for food and he might be increasingly disposed to reveal data in return for food and water.â Lack of sleep Studies have indicated that missing an evenings rest briefly empties 10 calls attention to of a people IQ. Steady rest deprivationâ through badgering, introduction to splendid lights and presentation to uproarious, jostling music and chronicles can definitely disable judgment and wear out resolve.â Waterboarding Water torment is one of the most seasoned and most regular types of torment. It showed up in the U.S. with the main pilgrims and has sprung up commonly from that point forward. Waterboardingâ is its most recent manifestation. Itâ involvesâ a detainee being lashed down to a board at that point dunked in water. Hes took back to the surface and the procedure is then rehashed until his examiner makes sure about the data being sought.â Constrained Standing Generally regular during the 1920s, constrained standing includes detainees remaining set up, frequently overnight. At times, the detainee may confront a divider, remaining with his arms broadened and hisâ fingertips contacting it.â Sweatboxes Once in a while alluded to as a hot box or basically as the crate, the detainee is secured up a little, hot room which, because of absence of ventilation, basically works as a stove. The detainee is discharged when he collaborates. Since quite a while ago utilized as a type of torment in the U.S., it is especially powerful in the dry Middle East. Sexual Assaultâ and Humiliation Different types of rape and embarrassment recorded in U.S. jail campsâ as types of torment incorporate constrained nakedness, coercive spreading of menstrual blood on detainees faces, constrained lap moves, constrained transvestitism and constrained gay follows up on different detainees.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Different economic factors Essay Example for Free

Distinctive financial variables Essay In this report I will portray the way that Cadbury are influenced by various monetary components. I will depict the impact of two differentiating financial situations on the business exercises inside the associations. I will at that point contrast the difficulties with chose business exercises inside the associations, in two diverse monetary conditions. Downturn Recession is the point at which the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) falls and goes negative. The GDP speaks to the abundance of the economy. When there is a downturn there is a decrease in business action, over in excess of a couple of months. Work rates, family salary, business benefits and venture burning through all reduction while joblessness rates and the measure of liquidations rise since individuals start to be progressively cautious with their cash and are less arranged to purchase costly things, for instance vehicles and houses. Individuals will in general face less challenges when putting away their cash and organizations likewise can't generally stand to utilize the same number of individuals and this is the manner by which the joblessness rates increment. The effect of downturn on Cadbury Recession will influence Cadbury however not very definitely. The purposes behind this are individuals will in any case keep on purchasing Cadbury items since they are a low estimated item and still reasonable to numerous individuals. The deals for Cadbury may even increment during a downturn since individuals may fall into comfort eating over the downturn which would bring about expanded deals for Cadbury. Increasingly costly items, for instance Cadbury blessing boxes and festivity cakes in any case, will diminish sought after and deals for these items will fall decently definitely in light of the fact that they are more costly than single bars so less individuals will be set up to go through that measure of cash in a period of downturn. This will anyway build the offer of little, singular bars. In a downturn Cadbury will handily have the option to select individuals. This is on the grounds that a higher level of individuals would have been made repetitive from their past occupations thus they will be cheerful simply carrying out a responsibility until they discover something better. They won't be as disturbed if the compensation rate isnt as high or on the off chance that they dont get any advantages, they will simply be upbeat about gaining cash once more. Subsequently in downturn enrollment for Cadbury would be a simple procedure as a lot of individuals will be searching for work. Cadbury would likewise have the option to pay a decreased compensation to new representatives. Financial Growth Economic Growth is the place the abundance of the builds, this can be estimated by taking a gander at the GDP (Gross Domestic Product. ) As the abundance of the economy is developing there is a more appeal for a businesss items or administrations. When there is a monetary development, individuals will in general have a sense of security about their employments, their feeling of employer stability increments and they thusly feel progressively good about going through out bigger measures of their cash. It is during a period of monetary development that individuals will be bound to apply for a line of credit with a bank or purchase an extravagant thing, for instance a vehicle since they will be sure about realizing they will be in their activity sometime later. The effect of monetary development on Cadbury When the economy is developing, Cadbury will see an expanded interest for their items since more individuals will be more joyful going through their cash. The offer of bigger, progressively costly Cadbury items will likewise increment since individuals wont mind paying out more cash for these, dissimilar to they would if there was a downturn. Cadbury will have more representatives during this time since they should stay aware of the interest. Enrollment be that as it may, will be a much more slow procedure than it would in a period of downturn. It will be a moderate procedure since individuals are as of now prone to be in an occupation working so it will require some investment for Cadbury to pick up laborers. Cadbury would then bring to the table a higher pace of pay than different organizations so as to get individuals to need to work for them. A great many people would remain with their present place of employment if the compensation is comparable. This could be exorbitant for Cadbury as they should offer as much as possible manage the cost of so as to pull in individuals.

Friday, August 21, 2020

20 Approaches

The Interview 10/20 Approaches About the interview For students applying for early action, the deadline to contact your alumni interviewer (Educational Counselor, or EC) is Friday (October 20). So, if you havent yet, go on to MyMIT, get your ECs contact info, and make the call today! Now, what if youre applying for regular action? Well, the deadline isnt until December 1, but I recommend that if youre reading this now, you might as well contact your EC now, while youre thinking of it. And I certainly recommend contacting your EC in the next month, because once Thanksgiving hits, things start to get a little crazy. If you have already contacted your EC but havent yet heard back from them, dont worry. Give your EC at least a few days to respond. If youve given your EC reasonable time and havent heard back, you can either give us a call at 617.253.4791 or drop us an email at [emailprotected] What can you expect from your interview? Well, it should be like a conversation, not like a quiz. You wont get any calculus or Jeopardy-style questions. It will be more along the lines of Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do for fun? Why are you interested in applying to MIT? What might you be interested in studying? Those kinds of questions. My MIT interview was with an elderly alum, known to me as Mr. Neighbours. He had retired to the town next to mine. I dont remember much from the interview except that it was at his house, which was quite dark, and seemed kinda scary to me. Nevertheless, he was nice if not particularly dynamic. He entered MIT just before the onset of World War II, and his MIT, while having the same values, was quite different from the MIT I would come to know (for example, there were many fewer humanities courses, student activities, and female students). I dont remember anything about the interview itself. It was interview season, and I was doing one every week or so. But with the 20-20 hindsight of an admissions officer, I suspect that interview helped me quite a bit. At MIT, the interview is an important part of the admissions process. The interview report is often one of the most helpful pieces of the application, since our interviewers ask the questions that we wish we could ask you. It supplies depth to your application, and often serves to amplify the strongest parts of your file. I remember several of my other interviews. My Dartmouth interviewer was so cool as to make it one of my new top choices (that, combined with a major in geography!). As you know, I ultimately didnt choose Dartmouth, but a nice alumna did make me consider it strongly. An alumnus of another Ivy League institution, on the other hand, asked me what made me special enough to attend his school. That was certainly a turn-off, though really the school is a fine place. So perhaps the lesson for this paragraph is, dont necessarily judge a school by its interviewer. I did keep up with Mr. Neighbours for a few years after I came to MIT. He was a great resource for me during the college selection process, and ultimately turned out to be a pretty good guy. I hope that youll also use your EC as a resource during the process and beyond. The best advice I can give you for the interview is to be yourself. Treat the interview as a conversation, and as an opportunity for MIT to get to know the real you. Also, I recommend Mitras interview advice and Stus Advice On How To Approach Your Interview.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Symptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer Disease - 1176 Words

Alzheimer disease What is Alzheimer disease? Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia in the United States. It usually starts with recent memory loss – then progresses to forgetting where you are, familiar faces and names. Eventually, the disease continues to progress and patients develop impaired mobility, difficulty swallowing, and inability to care for themselves. Alzheimer disease is a major cause of disability and death in the United States. Due to the importance of this condition, it is critical that patients understand its causes, symptoms, and treatment. By the end of this article, you will have the answers to these essential questions: †¢ What causes Alzheimer disease? †¢ How common is Alzheimer disease? †¢ What are†¦show more content†¦Individuals older than age 85 are the quickest growing age group and have a tremendously high prevalence of disease. What are the symptoms and signs of Alzheimer disease? The most common symptom of include: †¢ Memory loss †¢ Loss of time and space perception †¢ Impaired language †¢ Impaired cognition †¢ Changes in behavior †¢ Intellectual dysfunction – inability to plan or judge appropriately †¢ Impaired mobility Patients usually become dependent on others due to inability to feed, prepare food, bathe, dress, or brush one’s teeth. Patients eventually develop issues with swallowing and often die of pneumonia – lung infection. Your doctor will often evaluate for certain findings on your physical examination. They will usually test your memory with a mini-mental status examination or Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). How is Alzheimer disease diagnosed? Alzheimer disease is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical examination findings, and laboratory tests to exclude other conditions. Alzheimer disease is a form of dementia. When you have symptoms such as memory loss - your doctor will first screen you with a memory test called the mini-mental status examination (MMSE) or Monteral Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). This typically involves recalling the time and where you are, drawing objects, recognizing objects, repeating words, and remembering words. If your score does not meet a certain cut-off value, this isShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1642 Words   |  7 Pages Abstract Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder when brain cells degenerate and die. Alzheimer’s dieses destroys the patient’s memory within time. The mental functions of the brain also get destroyed when a person gets Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is most commonly seen when the patient is sixty to seventy years old. In this research paper the reader will learn about the signs and symptoms, causes, course of disease, outcome and secondary diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis and survivalRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease930 Words   |  4 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Kevin Arnold from the Wonder Years said â€Å"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things never want to lose.† Memories are the things that are upheld, whether good or bad, those memories are imprinted in the mind and cannot be taken away that is, until later in life. As one ages it is natural for some memories to fade. Loss of memories and brain function deficits that occur and are not from normal aging may indicate a person is sufferingRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1530 Words   |  7 Pages Hereditary Alzheimer’s Disease Introduction In the year 2015 5.3 million people in the US will have Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease, also known as Presenile and Senile Dementia can have a genetic or environmental basis. Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of a more general group of memory disorders known as dementia. What differentiates Alzheimer’s from Dementia is how quick the progression of symptoms is. Characterized by debilitating memory loss, confusion, comprehension andRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease3214 Words   |  13 Pages NEU ID: 001983161 Donepezil and other acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in Alzheimer’s disease Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907, is the most common form of dementia. The early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is having difficulty in remembering recent events. At the advanced stage, the signs and symptoms of AD include: memory loss, confusion, trouble concentrating, frustration, irritability difficulty in saying, difficultyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1222 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Alzheimer’s is a disease that attacks the brain and can result in brain death. This disease is chronic and lately a lot of elderly are being diagnosed with it. Alzheimer’s disease can be referred to as a silent killer because once a person gets the diagnosis, they will have it permanently. Alzheimer’s Patients have a decreased short-term memory; this can result with the onset of confusion. At times, families with loved ones that encounter this disease usually have to change their lifestyleRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease2317 Words   |  10 Pagesthey age and the various experiences they go through. One of the most common diseases among older people is dementia. Among the different types of dementia, the most prevalent one is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is important to look at all of the signs and symptoms of each type of dementia to see which specific type best describes a person’s condition. There is one patient in particul ar, Betty, who has many signs and symptoms related to dementia. Betty is a 65-year old woman who has dementia runningRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease2374 Words   |  10 PagesAs a society, we are constantly faced with negative news about different diseases and genetic disorders. One genetic disorder that has affected the lives of many is, Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia that affects and causes problems with thinking, behavior and memory. Most of the time, symptoms of Alzheimer’s develop slowly and progress and worsen over time. Eventually the symptoms become severe enough that they begin to interfere with normal and daily tasksRead MoreSymptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease715 Words   |  3 PagesAlzheimer’s disease has long been considered as a irremediable illness for old people. According to the data collected by Alzheimer s Association(2016), the overall 5.4 million American suffers from Alzhe imer s disease, and this population is growing in a certain rate for majority of this population aged 65 and up. Identify possible Alzheimer’s symptom could be rather difficult because people are lack of the awareness of their implicit illness, which later contribute to the Alzheimer s disease. AlsoRead MoreSymptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1006 Words   |  5 PagesAlzheimer s disease is a severe illness that affects the brain and leads to gradual memory loss, reduced intellectual ability and deterioration function of thinking. Alzheimer s disease (AD), the most common type of dementia, is a progressive neurological disorder that increasingly robs individuals of cognitive, behavioral, and functional skills (Demakis, 2007). The reason for the appearance this disease is a collection of disorders in the brain due to which its cells are dying partially. In theRead MoreSymptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease2043 Words   |  9 PagesAlzheimer’s disease. It took an emotional toll o n me and my family members. I believe Alzheimer is much harder on me and my loved ones than on my grandfather; because he was unaware of what was going on. It’s painful watching my grandfather degrade and get worse each and every day. The worst thing is that he doesn’t even know who I am anymore. In this paper I will discuss certain risk factors, background of Alzheimer’s, Background of Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease was first identified

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Geography Study Notes - 890 Words

Geography – Unit One Notes What is Geography? Geography is the study of the world, how it works, and how people use and change the world as they live in it. Origins The word â€Å"Geography† comes from the Greek word â€Å"Geo.† Meaning earth and â€Å"graph† meaning writing. Definitions Population Denisty – Figure calculated by dividing the population of a region by the region’s area. Staristical Analysis – Studying collected data for the purposes of summarizing information to make it more usable and for making generalizations. Geotechnologies – New Geographic technologies, such as remote sensing, GPS and GIS, that have†¦show more content†¦(Natural resources, way of life, climate.) * Knowledge of geography promotes a greater understanding of the books and newspapers we read. For example, it helps farmers choose crops best suited to the climatic and soil conditions of the areas in which they live. Themes of Geography The Five Main Themes of Geography are: Place, Location, Human and Environmental Interaction, Human Movement, and Regions. They are described as: 1.Place – Refers to physical and human characteristics of an area. Physical characteristics = The shape of the landforms and the bodies of water, climate, siol, and plant and human life. Human characteristics = the amount of people living in an area, how close together they live, social traits, culteral traditions, and political instituitions. 2. Locations – Refers to the significance of where one thing is in relation to another. The study of location is basically how many physical characteristics (harbours, riviers, fertile plains, and mountaineous terrain) affect human settlement, and the way places are used. 3. Human and Environmental Development – This refers to the changs people have made in their environment and the changes they continue to make. 4. Human Movement – Refers to the geographical study of movement in relation to the routes people take, why these movements occur, in addition to the cause/affect of human settlement. 5 Regions – Refers to how areas differenciate from one another.Show MoreRelatedAp Human Geography - Essay1398 Words   |  6 PagesWelcome to AP Human Geography Ms. Anderson Phone: 548-4051 room 112 E-mail: Course Description: The new college-level social studies course provides students with the opportunity to identify and analyze contemporary concerns and problems from local, national, and global perspectives in Human Geography. 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The imposing eyes that facilitated this domination have recently been challenged to quash their perpetuation of racial difference, and although existing more obscurely, to challenge the sexist legacy remaining in geography. â€Å"As part of geography, feminist approaches within ourRead MoreGeographic Information Systems ( Gis )1373 Words   |  6 PagesGeographic Information Systems (GIS) has had one of the biggest impacts on the discipline of modern day geography. Roger Tomlinson coined the term GIS in the early 1960s in Canada. Tomlinson defined GIS in its early days as a computer application designed to perform certain specific functions (Coppock et al; 1991). GIS is interdisciplinary in nature, having a distinctive role in geography. The application created for the Canada GIS department was designed to summarize and tabulate land inventoryRead MoreSociological Analysis Of Dr. Mayer s Article The Integration Of Power Into The Understanding Of Disease 888 Words   |  4 Pageshuman–environment relations (Mayer, 2006. Appendix C). Dr. Mayer also notes in his article the integration of power into the understanding of disease dynamic has thus been neglected from several dimensions, and the article represents and attempt at developing a framework for such integration (Mayer, 1996. p. 443). Dr. Mayer mentions that the traditional approaches of medical geography comprise studies of health service delivery and studies of disease patterns (Mayer, 1990). He also states that environmentRead MoreCreating A Global Treasure Hunt1547 Words   |  7 PagesThemes of Geography Learning Target 2 Step 3 Step 3: Creating a Global Treasure Hunt Step 1: You will learn about 10 places on Earth Essential Question: What skills do geographers use? 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Berrang-Ford earned her first degree, a BS in Environmental Geography, from the University of GulephRead MoreSources of Business Ideas1251 Words   |  6 PagesHome About tutor2u Contact Us Buy tutor2u Resources tutor2u tutor2u Economics Business Politics Sociology IB Diploma Law RE Management History Geography English Teaching Learning Powered by Leeds Metropolitan University GCSE Business Studies GCSE Revision Note Home | Business Studies Revision Quizzes | Business Studies Blog Starting a business - sources of business ideas Author: Jim Riley Last updated: Sunday 23 September, 2012 Starting a Business - Sources of business ideas WhereRead MoreImpact of Cross-Cultural Differences on Different Perceptions of Happiness1358 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner presents cross-cultural differences (and similarities) in perceptions and experiences of happiness. A careful analysis of Weiners findings, which are rooted in research, shows that there are universal patterns and trends beyond individual and cultural differences. Happiness entails understanding the curious combination of internal and external factors; environmental triggers and the human psychological response to those triggers. Buddhist societies like those

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance of Nature Free Essays

The Importance of Experiencing Nature The more technologically savvy our society becomes and as our cities become larger and more urbanized our connection with nature gets weaker and weaker. It is difficult to remember the natural beauty of a 100 year old oak tree while you dwell in the city where you are lucky to see a tree every three blocks. Our attitudes (especially people who live in very urbanized areas) tend to think that civilization surrounds nature instead of â€Å"wilderness [as] the element in which we live encased in civilization. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Nature or any similar topic only for you Order Now (1) I am not stating that our technological advances are a bad thing, but we must remember the importance of nature. People need to experience nature. One reason is that the beauty of nature excites our senses, but it also is a perfect place to experience personal growth and meditation. From a logical standpoint though, learning more about nature can lead to growth as a society. As humans, we are constantly looking to be awed. We look to beauty to do this. Nature offers the most pure form of beauty. Nature is stunning, yet not distracting. Our senses are enlightened by the magnificence of it yet we are not so distracted that we cannot think of anything else. It’s not the flash of a million colorful lights or the awe inspiring power of a larger than life sky scrapper. This kind of beauty demands your attention while the beauty of nature is humbly offered. A baby is a great example of our attraction to nature or just natural things in general. When there is a baby in a room full of people, people cannot help but stare and coo over it. We are attracted to them. I think a big reason for this is because they act so natural. They are not analyzing their actions, they are completely uninhibited. Society has not shaped them and told them what is right and wrong and how they should act. Everything is much more appealing in the most basic, natural form. Nature is the closest thing we have to perfection. There is no denying the fact that we love to stare at the oranges and yellows of a sunset or enjoy the deep greenish blue of the ocean. We fill vases with flowers in our home in hopes that it will make our home more appealing. Life should always be celebrated and beauty if part of life. We should look for it and admire it, especially in nature. A lot of this sense of perfection comes from a â€Å"higher, namely, of the spiritual element. †(2) Many religions are centered on the grace of their god(s) and are often believed that the perfection of nature is a reflection of the perfection of their god(s). In Christianity and Judaism, God was the essential creation of nature. In the bible â€Å"when a noble act is done-perchance a scene of great beauty†(2) will appear such as the rainbow that appeared after the flood that lasted for 40 days and nights in the story of Noah’s Ark. Perhaps why we are so attracted to natural beauty is it makes us feel closer to God. Or maybe just something bigger than ourselves. Nature has a spiritual quality to it which offers the ideal place to meditate. If one wants to learn more about themselves, then they should learn about nature because that is where we came from. It is hard to escape the sense of one’s predecessors†(1) when we spend enough time outside of civilization. We all once used to dwell among nature with animals and all other forms of life. Civilization is simply a wall which we have placed between us and nature. When we are in nature we have â€Å"striped away the human facade† (1) than stands between us and the universe and we can â€Å"see more clearly† (1) where we are. Thoreau stated in Walden â€Å"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth†(3) and there is nothing more truthful than nature. Nature is as truthful as it gets. Alone in the woods, away from society and the people in it, one is allowed to escape the influence of society and influence themselves independently. There we can figure out who we truly are and not what society makes us believe we are. I constantly hear of people talking about the importance of having a diversity of people and ideas on earth, yet how can we have true diversity if we are unable to discover out natural selves free from society? Nature is not only the window into our history, but also to the core of our existence. Nature offers perspective to people and our place in this world. Some might view my past two arguments as exceedingly unsatisfying. Why should we care if it beautiful or if it helps us â€Å"discover† ourselves? But one argument cannot be denied: nature is the key to the survival of the human race. We use the stars to navigate, we till the land to plant our crops, trees provide us with oxygen, we use plants for medicine, and we drink the water from lakes and creek. The list goes on and on. â€Å"The endless circulations of the divine charity nourish man†(2) while nature never expects anything back. It is strange how we forget about nature when it is the essential factor to our survival. When people experience nature, they are more likely to join the effort to conserve it and its resources. If we learn to appreciate it, then we will want to take care of it. Ecological conservation and preservation is extremely important. Not only does nature offer important nature resources, but there have also been studies that suggest that people who spend more time outside are typically happy and healthier individuals. There has also been research that points to a correlation between stress levels and the amount of time spent outside. Nature provides us with general health and well being. Each year we build more buildings, more houses, and more roads. We do this so we can continue to progress as a society, but as we do this we must remember nature because it also helps us progress as a society. Without it, there would be no society. Nature is beautiful, insightful and necessary. We must never forget about it and we must always work to protect it. How to cite Importance of Nature, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Macbeth The Tyrant Essay Example For Students

Macbeth The Tyrant Essay At the beginning of the play Macbeth is seen as a courageous soldier who is loyal to the King but is corrupted from the witches prophecies and by his and Lady Macbeths ambition. Their marriage is of convenience for Lady Macbeth, but for Macbeth it is more than that. He loves his wife, and she takes advantage of that. She is continuously making him feel guilty, for being weak, and challenges his manhood, with these words When you durst do it, then you were a man, and, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man. (I,vi,50-52), which means, Be a man, and I will love you as one. Macbeth is a hero to Scotland, and a strong person.. He is a Lord under the rule of King Duncan, and he has no reason to feel unhappy with where he is in life. Its after the meeting with the witches, that he begins to desire the throne, but he still needs Lady Macbeth to convince him to commit the murder, when he questions the consenquences and asks If we should fail?(I,vi,59). Lady Macbeth comes back with a quick answear We fail, But screw your courage to the sticking-place And well not fail.(I,vi,60-61), what shes saying is that if he stops being afraid and pulls himself togehter they will not fail. When Macbeth hears the prophesies of his future, he appears to disregard them, but when he is made Thane of Cawdor (as foretold by the witches), he already is thinking about killing the king when he says these words to himself The Prince of Cumberland That is a step On which I must fall down, or else oerleap, For in my way it lies.(I,iv,48-50). This is why he writes to Lady Macbeth, as to prompt her for some persuasion in killing Duncan, and she later refers to the latter as his agreement of the murder when she says Nor time nor place did then adhere, and yet you would make both(I,vii,50-52); basically meaning that he was prepared to kill him before, and now he is too weak to go through with it. Macbeths true character is revealed in his thougths. Macbeth expresses these thoughts when he is thinking to himself If chance will haveme King. Why,chance may crown me wihout my stir.(I,iii,143-144). But The thought of murdering the King, or anyone, fills him with horror, and this is why he writes to Lady Macbeth, seeking her support.After the support of Lady Macbeth and with the meeting with the witches eventually does kill his King. After killing King Duncan , Macbeth is starting to realize what it is that he has done, and becomes suspicious and paranoid of everyone around him by puting spys in every castle and killing those who are any treat to him what so ever. Banquo is the only other person who knows of the meeting with the witches and he would assume that it was Macbeth who killed the King. The witches also said that Banquo would beget kings but he himself would never be king after Macbeth, and so Macbeth decides that Banquo is a threat to him. To get rid of the treat with banquo he decides to kill him and his son Fleance. At this point Macbeth is no longer the true and noble thane he once was, he is a tyrant who took the crown by force. He is evil because he killed the king with the help of his wife but becomes evil on his own because he gos off by himself in plotting the death of banquo and fleance and latter on to all of the people in the house hold of macduff. Macbeth no longer needs the push from his wife and does this on his own showing his true character. From a noble thane with graceful word such as The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself(I,iv,23-24), to words of a tyrant such as I will not Yield, To kiss young Malcoms feet.(V,vii,28-29). Showing his disloyalty to the true and rightful king. The process form the noble thane to the tyrant is a slow one but in the end Macbeth is evil, reciving a rightful tyrants death.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Carol Ann Duffy Psychopath and Poet Essay Example

Carol Ann Duffy Psychopath and Poet Paper Carol Ann Duffy presents to the reader through her poetry many views she has on society. Her recent poetry portrays her views on the treatment of females and how in the past they have not been given true status in society. Duffy is a strong feminist and I think that the fact that she was not chosen poet laureate for both her sex and her sexuality has further strengthened her views on the rights females should have and the power they should have relative to men. Her feminist views are provoked even further when she is second choice in the running to be laureate and not until Seamus Heaney drops out of the race it is only then that she is the favourite to become the new poet laureate. It can be seen that again because Heaney was male and she was female the automatic choice would have been Heaney because of the stereotypical views in society regarding men being better then women. These could be some of the reasons why Duffy writes many poems from a females point of view regarding the male gender. Carol Ann Duffys ability to give voices to previously silenced figures helps her tell the reader her views on society. By using characters voices rather than her own, Duffy identifies with the speaker and confers authority onto a voice which might otherwise be silent. In the poems I have looked at she uses the characters that are portrayed as having lives without purpose but in reality their lives are without purpose the status society has given them. Psychopath, Recognition, and Stealing are three of the poems I will be analysing to look at the way Carol Ann Duffy presents her point of view on society. The characters in the three poems are described as having lives without purpose. They lead lives with no meaning and these characters lives are without purpose due to society giving power to men, such power that they are shown to be dominant gender in all three poems, and this dominance effects these characters lives. Much of Carol Ann Duffys work is written in the form of dramatic monologue and by using the voices of both male and female in the three poems, she portrays the views of both male and female in society and through both the male and female narrator she still manages to get her outlook on society and her feelings on why society is failing because of the status both men and women have been appointed with. This Idea of female identity is a recurring theme in Duffys poetry. We will write a custom essay sample on Carol Ann Duffy Psychopath and Poet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Carol Ann Duffy Psychopath and Poet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Carol Ann Duffy Psychopath and Poet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She stereotypes many of her characters in order to foreground the female characters incompatible place within a modern society. Although her poem Stealing is not one of the poems which look at her feminist views the other two Psychopath and Recognition are based around looking at Females place in society. In Psychopath, Duffy uses the dramatic monologue to present, and weaken, the sexual power of men over women One thump did it, then I was on her. Duffy shows the reader that although at first you think that Duffy is trying to show the woman as the weaker character it is in fact the man who is the weaker character. He has to physically abuse her to achieve his sexual status as Jack the Lad, Ladies Man. Duffys views on male dominance and male status are enhanced even further when he has killed her, but it is more important to him that he lives up to the constructed image of a real man. He feels he too, is trapped within the identity which has been appointed to him by society. This kind of dominance which Duffy is suggesting all men had in society is also shown in Recognition, where Duffy uses a dramatic monologue to show us the view of a housewife on her husband and how their relationship has changed her life. The woman here explains through the poem how her life has become without purpose. She also indirectly lets onto the reader the reason as to why her life has become the way it has. She feels it is her husband and their relationship that has made her life how it is. I love him, through habit She recognises that her love for her husband is merely based on habit. However, her power is diminished by her sense of responsibility and the fact that she has a role to fulfil, the role of a wife. The poem has references to a shopping list Cheese, Kleenex. This reflects the way her life has become. It has become structured and meaningless. She just gets on with the domestics of the house without thinking or having concern about her husband and children. Looking at the structure of the poem we can also see that the stanzas are all regimented four line stanzas and that this set structure is also tight and suffocating like her life. The use of repetition in the form of an apology in the closing line Im sorry sorry sorry underlines the womans inferior position and the lack of punctuation highlights her lack of concern towards anything. The Psychopath like the other two characters in the two poems may have a life without purpose because he is a man who has no worries as to the consequences his actions may well bring. He does not show little guilt or sympathy when talking about his violent actions one thump did it but feels he was right to be aggressive in order to get what he wanted. Again like with the housewife in recognition society rules have made him how he is. He does not care about his actions or the consequences his actions could bring but instead is boasting about how just one thump was enough to get her on the floor. The violence he uses is to show he is the dominant sex which Duffy feels society has given him the role of being the dominant sex. Nevertheless I also feel that others can be interpret that his life does have purpose and can argue this because he looks to the future in the poem: a gypsy read my palm. She saw fame. We see that he is interested in the fame he could get in the future. I could be anything with my looks, my brains. This view is also backed up by the way he looks after his appearance. This is because if he did not care about his life, or his life did not have a purpose then he would not take so much care over how he looks. And finally I think that he does have a purpose which is to use and abuse women to show off his masculinity. This shows that although the character may have a life with purpose Duffy still shows her displeasure at society through the poem. I also believe that Psychopath contrasts Recognition in terms of the structure. Unlike recognition it has a free flowing structure with lots of enjambement and no set stanzas which could suggest that Duffy is trying to back up the image of the character as being arrogant and over confident by him speaking very freely and openly and gloating about his actions which the reader would see as very appalling. This also goes on to show again her views on male dominance and the arrogance and confidence it brings. The enjambement in recognition could be there because it shows the reader feels that it is her way of showing her lack of freedom and that inside this meaningless and structured life she is trying to be freed. She is trying to escape her relationship with her husband but knows it is not possible. And I think that Duffy is trying to show this by using enjambement inside the tight regimented four line stanzas. The woman does not recognise herself. She has no sense of her own identity because it has been removed from her because of the way society has constructed a females identity. Duffy, perhaps, suggests that men are similarly constrained by the fact that they to have to abide by the rules of society and fulfil their role as the dominant sex. Where the woman in Recognition is symbolised by the shopping list, the man in Psychopath is labelled by the very title of the poem and the images of late 50s/early 60s popular culture that run through it: for example, Jimmy Dean and the song Johnny, Remember Me. Psychopath like Recognition shows women to be the weaker sex. Although we see in Recognition that we as the reader are informed of this through a female voice in Psychopath it is the voice of a man, who indirectly informs the reader of the power men and women were supposed to have. The lack of respect shown to women is shown when the Psychopath talks about his mother. Mama, straight up, I hope you rot in hell Here we are shown that even to his mother he shows such disrespect which again is because of the power he has been given by society. I also feel that the use of italics No, dont to refer to women in the poem highlights again the lack of power they have in comparison to males. The italics make the words look slightly smaller which could indicate Duffys views on how men try to make women look small just like the psychopath has tried to make the girl he has killed look small and helpless. In contrast from Recognition and Psychopath, stealing is a poem which does not tackle the problem of how society gives more power to the male sex then the female sex. It still shows the character to have a life without purpose and Duffy again indirectly shows the reader that society has forced the character to carry out the actions that he has done. Duffy explores the attitude of men and the reasons behind the attitudes they have. Better off dead than giving in. Here we see that the arrogance and the complacency these men have in life is because they feel that they are the dominant sex, and so they do not fear the consequences because men according to society are supposed to be the stronger the less fearful in comparison to female. And Duffy feels that because of these views that society holds or held are affecting everyone in a negative manner. She feels that he steals because of what society has made him, an egotistic man. Like in Psychopath where the character illustrates his power and the fact he is a man through violence and by not showing any concern towards the consequences of his actions here we see that this character demonstrates his dominance as a man also by not caring about the consequences. Children would cry in the morning. Lifes tough. We are also shown that due to this dominance men have over women they tend to become very lonely like in Psychopath he is unable to socialise with anyone so gets rid of his boredom by abusing girls. And in this poem the character is alone and we are shown the speakers loneliness right from the beginning when he steals a snowman. We can assume that Duffy is showing her character stealing a snowman because they are lonely and in need of a mate to get rid of their loneliness even though Duffy does not have the character tell the reader that it is lonely. Using Duffys criticism on society one can say that this loneliness is also created by society and that if the power which was divided between men and women was quite equal then these types of people would be looked after and protected from doing what they do. I also feel that the use of starting with a question most unusual thing I ever stole? and finishing with a question you dont understand a words Im saying, do you? tells the reader that the character is not just talking to us but is in an actual conversation with someone about his stealing. Again like the Psychopath he is boasting about his actions and feels or tries to show that he does not care about what may happen later because of what he has done. On the other hand it can also be viewed that like Psychopath, Stealing also is a poem whose character has a purpose in life. This is because if you look at the housewife in Recognition she has no purpose in life and literally does nothing and if you look at this character he steals to get rid of his boredom which is his purpose in life, to get rid of the boredom. And I think that it can be seen that again it is similar to Psychopath because Duffy still manages to show how society has made this character how he is and that society is responsible for his actions whether his life has a purpose or not. Overall through the arguments that I have presented I think that Duffy in all three of the poems expresses the dissatisfaction she has with society and its division of power between men and women and why men are given the dominance in relationships. I also feel that apart from recognition it can be argued as to whether or not the character in Psychopath and Stealing have lives with or without purpose. I also feel that it does not affect the message Duffy tries to get across to the reader regarding society. Looking back I feel that Duffy almost certainly in all three poems tries to get her point across on society and the criticism, she has of society and the extreme amount of power it has given to men for decades, and therefore I agree with the statement that Duffy does try and express her social criticism by giving voices to characters who reveal their lives as being without purpose although it can be argued as to whether or not the characters in the poems have a purpose in life.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay

Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay Example Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay Example Arshad, S., Rizvi, S. (2013). Impact of corruption on bank profitability: An analysis of Islamic banks. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 8(3), 195. The authors of the article discuss the fact of bank corruption on the examples of Islamic countries. The main claim of the article consists in the idea that corruption is one of the most negative social processes that bears negative influence on the economy of the country. Arshad and Rizvi (2013) have a conviction that despite the negative results of the corruption, banks have a tendency to prosper during this process. In addition, the assumption is based on the research conducted on the comparison of the amount of corruption and the banks’ income. The study showed that the more level of corruption in a country is, the more prosperity the banks experience. This assumption can be characterized as a credible one due to the obtained results. Additionally, this idea can be used in the economic planning: the action of corruption has to be moved in the correct direction, which, on the one hand, would control the levels of corruption, and on the other hand, balance its level with banks’ prosperity and have a positive effect on a country’s development. As a consequence, this strategy can be applied to the economic policy regarding various types of regulations aimed at controlling the balance and interaction between corruption and bank system. Bodenhorn, H. (2015). Bank chartering and political corruption in antebellum. National Bureau of Economic Research, Corruption and Reform: Lessons from Americas Economic History, 231-257. Speaking about the types of policy that are called to collaborate with banks and private business, the author of the article regards the notion of corruption in the framework of the contemporary particularities of the economy. Along with this, the authors distinguish the advantages and drawbacks of the democracy as a political power in connection with the banking in the world. Having conducted the research, Bodenhorn (2015) claims that banks have a tendency to â€Å"provide some appreciation for the potential scale for corruption and bribery† (Bodenhorn, 2015, p. 240). In other words, similarly to Arshad and Rizvi, the author sees a great benefit of bank corruption. On the one hand, in the light of bank corruption, there is only one side that suffers a country. On the other hand, the prosperity of the banks is a manifestation of the country’s flourish, in any case. It means that the benefits that can be extracted from bank corruption have to move in the same direction with the stated policy of a country. Applying this point of view to the official policy would contribute to the rising of the taxes and fees payment amount, which is generally acknowledged to be vitally important for a country. Casillas, G., Paredes, D., Cervantes, A., Torres, S. (2015). New measures to fight corruption and conflict of interest. The authors of the article are convinced that corruption should not be regarded as something completely unexpected. They think that corruption is as usual as, for instance, elections or a law-making process. It is necessary to regard this phenomenon from another point of view. The main claim of the article consists in the assumption that it is important to establish a so-called sense of transparency. The more governmental control over economy and bank system is produced, the more exactness and transparency will it provide. This proposal is worth of the further regard since the democracy, as well as the social order established long time ago, needs updating. This presupposes the change of the things and the way of thinking, which had been unsuitable for or not understood by the people. This sort of things comprises of the corruption and its manifestations within society. Certainly, it takes time to create a new system of the policies, which would incorporate the basis and traditions of the former styles of governing. It is necessary, however, to understand the course of time and its particularities, which require to be up-to-date, and to create a system that would provide the successful functioning of a country. Hence, implementing corruption in the bank system of a country will permit to enrich the state budget due to the money incoming. Campos, J., Pradhan, S. (2007). The many faces of corruption. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. The book in question discusses the history of the phenomenon known as corruption. The authors provide a reader with a number of stories that illustrate how corruption was widespread throughout the humankind’s history. Campos and Pradhan (2007) suppose that corruption has always been an integral and inseparable part of the society and politics. As a consequence, the authors have a conviction that bank corruption as a spread particularity of the contemporary society has a right to exist. The essential strategy provided in the book is centered on the assumption that bank corruption should be a legislative phenomenon, which will contributes to the country’s prosperity. Analyzing such an approach, it is possible to draw the conclusion that bank corruption is becoming a positive tendency. Oppositely, the authors believe, corruption has never been a positive phenomenon. The point is that it is an important and complex task for the government to turn it into a useful one and make it bring fruitful results that are expected. In other words, the many challenges that numerous countries of the world are currently facing can be met by making corruption a positive event. Obviously, it is necessary to elaborate a well-laid plan that would be followed during many years. Implementing such a vision of corruption will totally change the world and make it live and function in another way. Johannesson, I., Steendam, M. (2014). Can mobile banking reduce the presence of corruption? A minor field study in Kenya. The article written by Johannesson and Steendam (2014) represents a brand new approach to the notion of corruption. The authors of the article do not state that corruption should be legalized or make an emphasis that it is a positive phenomenon. The solution for the bank corruption proposed in the article is characterized as the most innovative, and it is expected to produce fruitful results. In their article, the authors discuss a multimedia platform known as M-Pesa called to stabilize the country’s financial and economic affairs by controlling and observing the vast sums of money circulating in the banks. This will permit to find and prove the fact of corruption and its amount. In reality, this program can be implied in the majority of the biggest world banks, as well as the banks of the poor countries. The last ones are the most suitable for this program since the phenomenon of corruption is extremely spread within their economies. Implementation of the program is called to serve as a powerful tool in overcoming the negative outcomes of corruption. Kolstad, I., Fritz, V., O’Neil, T. (2008). Corruption, anti-corruption efforts and aid: Do donors have the right approach. The article in question represents a result of the project conducted in order to establish the linkage between effective governance principles and the poverty rates decrease. The authors have a conviction that corruption is a mechanism that lies between these two aspects. It has neither positive nor negative impact. This phenomenon, in the authors’ opinion, is called to divide the countries into such categories as poor, developing or rich. Bank corruption as an essential part of the overall corruption serves, in addition to this, as a tool that shows whether a country is able to transcend from one class to another and indicates what amount of attempts should be taken. This approach is based on the research conducted and the results obtained. According to its results, the constantly growing interest in corruption is determined by the necessity of it reduction or making it play a role of contributing factor in a country’s economy. The ideas presented in the article can be interpreted in a dual way; however, it is necessary to understand that such a vision of corruption in the bank area is worth of implementing in order to help overcome poverty in the countries that experience it. Krudop, J. (2010). Surviving financial corruption: The attack of a rogue bank. Tate Publishing. The book under analysis represents a financial and economic issue of bank corruption experienced in the USA. The book is built as a memoir with scientific explanations and proofs of the phenomenon of bank corruption. The author states that the essential idea here is not to struggle against it, but change the way of thinking in such a way that would make bank corruption work for the benefit of the country. Such an approach is one of the most progressive, and it summarizes the ideas of the mentioned above articles and books, which state that the best way to stop any socially acknowledged negative phenomena is to legalize them. Having the bank corruption legalized will, first and foremost, stop the fact of struggling; secondly, it will direct the flows of money into the necessary areas. As a consequence, the states and countries will have an extra income for their local and central budgets. This fact is called to contribute to the growth of economy and industry, improving people’s quality of life. The process of changing the understanding of corruption within banks will implement the newer vision of bank system. Capitalism, as the author has a conviction, has two ways to exist nowadays: on the one hand, it can stay the same and stop its existing by self-destruction; on the other hand, it can be reborn by the numerous and absolute changes, which would take place not only in the external part of the human life and activity, but inside the human mind. Manacorda, S., Forti, G., Centonze, F. (2014). Preventing corporate corruption. Cham: Springer International Publishing. The book regards the bank corruption at the international level and explains the reasons of its beginning, evolution and thriving. Along with this, the authors make an emphasis on the examples of international bank corruption and show the consequences they have on a single country and international relations. The authors have distinguished a so-called Anti-Bribery Corruption Model, whose main idea and principle of work consists in preventing corruption inside the private companies, firms, organizations and corporations. This, as the authors believe, will contribute to the improvement of economic situation and will establish stability. Analyzing this tool, one can think that is really likely to work and perform great results. (This had been proved due to its usage by several US companies, the majority of which was represented by banks). Implementing this program into all the banks functioning in the USA, for instance, will save an incredibly large amount of money. In other words, the states and central government will have financial benefits manifold larger than they currently have. It means that the proper application of the method is able to improve a great number of social life areas and the quality of citizens’ lives. Olken, B., Pande, R. (2011). Corruption in developing countries. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab’S Governance Initiative, August. The article represents an innovative look at bank corruption and explains the ways it will function in the future. The advantage of the article is that it provides a reader with a number of definitions of corruption in order to investigate the ways it influences economy and the methods that are likely to be applied to overcome it. The key point of the article consists in the idea that â€Å"bureaucratic corruption takes place at the implementation end of public policies† (Olken Pande, 2011, p. 4). In other words, the authors have a conviction that corruption brings decline in whatever field of human activity and it has to be stopped. The ways to do this can be numerous. One of the most effective one, in accordance with the authors, consists in the improvement of the law system. Furthermore, the authors suggest widely using the most recent technological devices called to contribute to prevention of corruption. This idea can be characterized as useful; however, it does not provide an innovative way of look at the problem, i.e. it is mainly based on the traditional way of struggle against corruption, which is not acknowledged as an effective or fruitful one. It means that this is not enough to change or fix the law system – it is more important to change human outlook and perception of the outcomes that corruption results in.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Definition of Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Definition of Family - Essay Example It is also considered to be a basic and significant unit for bringing up children in a social manner. A family may be classified as a multifocal family in which a mother and the children are present, a conjugal family in which the husband, wife and their children from the members of the family and extended family in which apart from the parents and the children there are other members residing in the family who are originally the members of the parents in this family. A family in which only parents and their children live is called a nuclear family whereas extended families with a wide number of relationships are known as joint families. Family is an important unit of socialization. The term family is used to refer to inclusive categories like nationhood, community, humanism and global villages. A family forms the basic unit for all these categories in a society. Family is also considered to be a significant economic unit which is widely studied under family economics. Many sociological and biological theories have been presented by different scholars to support the concept and evolution of family in the society from the starting of the human civilization till the present day. The biological theory of evolution coined by Darwin is an important theory in the area of evolution of systems of family in the human societies. The concept of family has also evolved in phased of savagery barbarism and civilization as indicated by other anthropologists like Lewis H. Morgan. The concept of family as an important social unit has been recognized most widely in the civilization stage of human progress (Forbes 20). The transformation of the civilized society and a class based society from a primitive community is identified to have been largely driven by the evolution of family systems in the human societies. The function and structure of families are said to depend largely on the

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Is global warming caused by humans Research Paper

Is global warming caused by humans - Research Paper Example Today, it is not only the increase of temperature of the atmosphere but also ocean warming, ice caps and ice sheets melting, rise of sea level, and changes of biochemical cycles that take place because of climate change. That is why understanding of the causes of global warming is so important. There are two points of view on the character of global warming causes. Some of researchers claim it is natural causes that lead to climate change. However, the recent studies show that it is human-induced causes that are the main drivers of global warming. In the following research based on recent researches and statistical data, information on three main anthropogenic causes will be summarized, discussed and set against the natural factors with the aim to prove that it is humans who cause global warming of the atmosphere. The following research is important for it presents concise evidence of human involvement in global warming. These days, many scientists, researchers, environmentalists and, in fact, everybody who does care, express their concerns on the issue of the changes of climate on the Earth. More specifically, they argue that today the temperature of the planet tends to increase causing the global warming, which, in its turn, can lead to irreversible negative consequences for all the living beings which settle the planet. While the fact that global warming does take place has been proved in a great number of studies, its causes are still studied. Scientists, who work on the issue of climate change, agree that there are two causes of global warming, such as natural causes and human-induced ones. The latest researches show that the idea that natural causes are among the major ones that lead to climate change is irrelevant and that it is humans who are to blame for the irreversible warming of the Earths surface. Climate change is usually referred to as the change of weather patterns and trends over time. Overall, the atmosphere consists of

Monday, January 27, 2020

Nursing Care Centers For Older People

Nursing Care Centers For Older People The policy of health and social care is eloquent based on the care and demands of the older people. Older people as well as service providers are affected due to the continuing changes in health provision and pressures for cost containment. Many a time, older people have found themselves means-tested for services that have been provided free of cost. Arrangements from nursing care homes limit the money available all over the world, use of a formula that interprets low, medium and high need. A little contribution to the cost of care is paid. According to an international research, the principles of these kinds of agencies cover assessment, for example, the single assessment process (SAP) and the national service framework. However, the approach of any multi-national agency should expose, in both its structure and process, good and latest nursing practice. Now it is a well-known fact that nursing assessment for older people is important. An expert nursing care and care homes for older people plays an important role in the care and comfort of older people. Health and social care needs have been inter-related by the people who need continuing care. Nursing care in care homes has been long argued that distinctions between the two are unworkable. Thus, an interview was conducted which help older could people to communicate and balance their health needs with their chosen lifestyle. Clinical judgment is used by the Care Home staffs to take care of older people and enable them to , improve, maintain, recover and to cope up with their problems and to achieve a better quality of life. Older people make up a large and increasing percentage of the current population. As people grow older, with the rate of increasing their ages, they are increasingly at risk of so many health problems many injuries also. Falling down is the first indication of an undetected illness. Major preventions should be taken for these kinds of problems as they create considerable mortality, morbidity and suffering for older people and their families, and incur social costs due to hospital and nursing home admissions. Targeted strategies should be made which aim at behavioral change and risk modification for those living in the community appear to be most promising. Research methods Online research data from different web sites, different articles, and theoretical studies from different books. The methodology which had been used was collecting data from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were the personal interaction with the experts and secondary was the information collected from websites. Qualitative interviews were used to explore views on maintaining dignity of 18 residents of nursing homes. A qualitative descriptive approach was used. The analysis was both deductive (arising from the dignity model) and inductive (arising from participants views). LITERATURE REVIEW AND FINDINGS Today most of the older people living in nursing homes are losing their life there itself. Model based on empirical, is of dignity which has been developed and which forms the basis of a brief psychotherapy to help in promoting dignity and reduce distress at the end of life of older people. The main objective of this study is to explore the generalisability of the dignity model to help older people in nursing homes. As a result of this study, the main categories and features of the dignity model were broadly and intuitively supported on various issues like illness-related problems, social aspects of the illness experience and dignity protecting repertoire. However, some of the sub themes which were related to death were not supported and two new themes came out. Some of the residents found their symptoms and loss of their function were due to old age rather than illness. Although residents did not emerge to experience distress due to thoughts of impending death, rather they were dist ressed by the multiple losses they had experienced.   These finding helps in adding to our understanding of the concerns of older people in care homes on maintaining dignity and suggest that dignity therapy may boost up their sense of dignity. This is one of the major reasons of choosing this topic related to older people as in todays scenario, older people are loosing their existence. As per the findings we got to know that the majority of residents who are living in nursing homes die within 2 years from multiple kinds of medical pathologies. Generally they are heavily reliant on staff for their care, which can grind down their sense of dignity. Maintaining dignity are considered as the highest priority in health and social care strategy documents in most European countries and particular concerns have been raised about loss of dignity in care. Although there is a big deal about rhetoric around dignity, there is no agreed and prescribed definition of this. A brief review of the studies based on international researches exploring the co ncept of dignity from a nursing perspective have showed a wide range of definitions and understanding related to the construct; however, a most common and important theme was to respect a patient as a person. Two of the studies have explored the different views of people on dignity of older people in care homes. One of them found that not being a burden for others was important to residents, and their sense of dignity was threatened by illness and care needs, at the same time the other one described three main themes: The body which can not be recognized. Feebleness and dependence on others. Self inner strength and a sense of coherence. One of the approaches related to dignity-oriented care provision, which focuses directly and specifically on end of life, is Chochinovs dignity-conserving model. This model was developed from interviews which were conducted with patients with advanced cancer and other old age problems (average age was 75 years), focusing on the factors which supports and undermines their dignity. The particularly most important aspect of Chochinovs dignity model is that it has provided the framework for psychotherapy which helps in promoting a sense of dignity and reduces psychological and spiritual distress for older people who are reaching the end of their life.This study has shown promising results for people with advanced cancer and other diseases, along with their families. It is quite clear from different international researches that older people living in care homes are completely helpless vulnerable to having a fractured sense of dignity, which suggests that dignity therapy, may be of benefi t to them. Since the therapy is brief which usually takes only two sessions and can be delivered at the bedside by a trained health care professional, it may be feasible to offer this in a care home setting. However, the dignity model, and therefore dignity therapy, is based on the views of people who are residing in home care centers, most of whom were cared for in the community. It has been shown that less than 10% of residents of nursing homes die from diagnosed cancers and other old age distresses also. Whether or not the model is generalsable to people with no these kinds of problems or to those living in other settings such as care homes, is not known. The aim of this study is to explore and understand the generalisability of Chochinovs dignity model to older people cared for in nursing homes. In recent years there has been a considerable increase in the need for effective health care and them oral boosting for older patients. Our society is ageing day by day, and a large number of people are going into advanced old age.â‚ ¬Ã‚  Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ °dentification of treatable diseases before it stats its affect in older people, promises reduction in premature mortality and morbidity in old age. Most of the elderly and frail people are receiving long term care in the community and there are a number of home care centers for older people. There is a perception that some early intervention and rehabilitation services, currently which are being provided in hospitals and home care centers, might be provided in community settings. More effective health care centers are available for providing care managing chronic diseases, such as chronic lung disease, cerebrovascular and coronary heart disease, diabetes, depression, and degenerative conditions such as osteoporosis, dementia and Parkinsons disease. To be implemented for all who might benefit these interventions need to be organized into structured programs. To be the most effective home care center for older people, and to respond to the needs of individuals, care planning should take integrated account of all of the health care needs of individuals particularly when these include both physical and mental health problems as well as the protection of their dignity. Effective health promotion and proactive health care provided by the health care centers for older people are extending the active life-span of older people, reducing the number of people who suffer disability, vulnerability and dependence. The National Service Framework for Older People has been published to ensure the delivery of higher quality services to older people all over the world. The NSF requires the identification of service champions for older people within Each home care organization which are running for older people. Older people should have access to a new range of intermediate care services at home or in designated care settings to promote their independence by providing advanced services from the nursing care services and local authorities to prevent unnecessary hospital admission and effective rehabilitation services to enable early discharge from hospital and to prevent premature or unnecessary admission to long-term residential care. There should be a safe and effective care for older people in enhanced care settings in the community and nursing care centers which require co-ordinated and competent care by a skilled workforce of healthcare professionals, working efficiently together. There should be a proper assessment and rehabilitation in community settings nursing care centers for older people. At the same time there should be a rapid response for acutely ill older people and also a medical support should be provided by Hospital at Home schemes. Following services should be provided to older people: Respite services: Services like podiatry, occupational therapy, hairdressing, personal care, social support, shopping assistance, small group programs, carer support and domestic assistance for self funded retirees and younger people living with a disability and overnight community respite cottage. Service like Family Support Service for families who have children with disabilities arising from a combination of physical, intellectual and sensory impairment with or without complication health issues (0-16 years). Other Services like Domestic Assistance, Personal Care, Social Support and also Other Food Services, Assessment, Case Management, Home Maintenance, Goods/Equipment Provision and Transport and a centre-based day care, social support and other Services like transport should be provided. Nursing services: Should provide nursing care and other services like personal care, allied health care, respite care, social support, domestic assistance, assessment, case management, and personal care, domestic assistance, in home respite, social support, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, volunteers chaplaincy. Nursing care; they also provide centre-based day care, in-home respite care, allied health care, other food services, domestic assistance, social support, information and advocacy, counselling/support, language assistance. etc. Meals on wheels: This service used to deliver meals to the older people. Home care services: Should provide personal care night time mobile attendant care service for people with physical disabilities who require personal care assistance throughout the night. Domestic assistance for younger disability; Should also provide centre-based day care, respite care, podiatrist, hairdresser, transport, home maintenance, minor modification, Home Assist Secure, social support, extended programs, mental health program, younger disability programs, carer support, volunteer coordination. Other services: Should provide other services like, Centre based and in-home respite, podiatry, occupational therapy, hairdressing, personal care, social support, shopping assistance, small group programs, carer support and domestic assistance for self funded retirees and younger people living with a disability, overnight community respite cottage and Veterans Home Care. Community health centers: Should provide domestic assistance, social support, allied health care, nursing care, personal care, assessment, health promotion, indigenous health. Allied health care services: Services should be Centre based and in-home respite, hairdressing, social support, shopping assistance, small group programs and domestic assistance for self funded retirees and younger people living with a disability, personal care etc. Following measures should be taken by Nursing care homes for older people: In order to help the older people from poverty, isolation and neglect, following actions should be taken: Make older people enjoy a better life by providing life-enhancing services and vital support. Keep developing products that are specifically designed for older people and which are helpful in their day to day life. Provide advice and information through their help lines, publications and online at all times. Fund pioneering research into all aspects of getting older. Join forces that will ensure more of their funds go where theyre needed. In order to improve the current situation of the place, the agency needs a huge amount of money. So it should work on the following areas to raise funds for the development: Donations The agency should always look for donations and gifts which are always proved as the greatest source of income. Legacies The average value of new legacies has been increased over the years. British Journal of Social Work 2009 39(4); doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcp024 Events Events and sponsorship are the most valuable sources of income. Money is raised through an exciting variety of events including dances, local walks and runs, overseas treks and cycle challenges. Chris tingle All members of the agency should come together and help in raising over a million pounds to support their work with disadvantaged older people. Carol singing The members of agency should use their voice to raise money for the welfare of the older people. They can either sing door-to-door, out in their community or plan a special carol service. Membership and sponsorship schemes: Many voluntary organisations operate membership schemes. These often offer something to us in return access to historic buildings, nature reserves, galleries, or magazines and the chance to attend events. More and more organisations now offer the opportunity for supporters to sponsor a beneficiary or a project. These schemes bring us closer to the work we are supporting so we can get a real picture of what sort of difference our money is making. Schemes that seem identical on the surface can be very different in detail they are all valuable as far as the charity is concerned but may offer different experiences to us as a donor and we need to know what to expect. In oder to motivate the memebers of the nursing care homes, the managers should use the following ways: By rewarding the team members Always implimenting new ideas Flexible benefits By giving responsibilities and recognitions as well In order to get more and more amenities for the older people, the nursing homes and communities for older people along with the other members of the agencies should work on the following principles: Their vision should see a world in which older people flourish. Their mission should to improve the lives of older people. They should make a real difference to the lives of older people. They can do it by combining the unique strengths, skills and experience of the great charity organizations and sponsors. They should create one united organization that will be stronger and more influential than ever before. They should develop excellent and sustainable services that enhance older peoples lives. They should deliver transformational and sustainable change through their research, policy and influencing. They should always provide definitive products and services tailored specifically for older people but available to all. They should maximize their reach through their retail estate and quality training services. They should create a single, powerful compelling brand by 2010. They should try to become a world renowned organization, reaching out to enhance the lives of older people globally. They should create an effective partnership with their national and regional networks. Agencies for older people should implement the following strategies: There should be a strategy which the agencies should implement, strategy and action plan following consultation on a broad range of seniors issues including health, transport, workforce participation and housing. The main aim this strategy should be to ensure seniors feel safe, supported and have access to appropriate services. To achieve this, the agencies should be keen to explore ideas for working in partnership across government as well as with business and the community. The Government is developing a whole-of-government loom for the way they support seniors into the future. The strategy will definitely identify priority areas for action with an emphasis on making positive changes for seniors who are vulnerable, disadvantaged or socially isolated. Journal of Aging Social Policy, Volume 21, Issue 1 January 2009 The socially isolated older people should be provided the following amenities: Basically, the meaning of social isolation is a low level of interaction with others combined with the experience of loneliness. It is a serious issue for seniors because of the unfavorable impact it can have on health and wellbeing of the older people. Although the majority of older people are not socially isolated, the number of people at risk of social isolation is expected to increase with the ageing of the population. The older people living in nursing care homes are also socially isolated. The older people who are residing in these kinds of agencies are either retired, physically disabled and ill health or loss of a partner and loss of transport. It should always be given importance that older people have the opportunity to be socially connected and, if they wish, to participate in community life. There is a project called The Cross-Government Project which is working to reduce Social Isolation of Older People and was established in 2003 to identify and develop innovative responses to reduce the social isolation of seniors. The project has identified many key findings that can inform program design, service delivery and policy development. A number of reports from various stages of the project have been published. The project also developed best practice guidelines to assist service providers, government agencies and community groups in designing and implementing projects to reduce social isolation of seniors. The British journal of social work Following improvements should be made in nursing care homes for older people: In order to improve the condition of Nursing care homes and communities for older people, the following services should be provided: Rents of the agencies should be decreased. The place should always be kept clean and hygienic. To keep the place clean and hygienic there should be a well managed housekeeping department. As we know that the success any organization is totally dependent upon the employees of the organization. If the employees are getting their job satisfaction then only they give their 100% to the organization. So, If the emplyees of the agency are not satisfied with their salary, then they should be paid competitively. So the salaries should be competitive (In comparison to other organizations). Hence, agency should always do Salary survey, to settle this grievance of the Employees. Employees nature of the job should be challenging at each and every stage but not so difficult that it appears impossible. It should not be boring, hence, set challenging goals for the employees of the agency. Upward/Downward flow of communication should always be ensured. Management of the agency should be highly effective. All the employees of the agency should feel the sense of belongingness with the kind of work they do. Managers of the agency should always play the role of counselors and mentors in the Organization. At all times, the agency should identify the need of the Employees as well of the older people and should decide the motivation strategy. The way of reaching these agencies should always be kept convenient. If the social work agencies are facing difficulties in reaching the park, then the government should also provide transportation to them. The government can not afford to loose these social work agencies at the cost of bad transportation as these agencies play a vital role in uplifting the welfare of the older people. The first and the most key principle of good practice is to be aware of the presence of older people in an emergency and take active steps to locate and identify them. It is an essential step that relief interventions are developing to make consultation with the target community. To perform this activity, first it is necessary to locate, meet and assess the needs of older people through direct observation and discussion and can also be done by directly working with them to identify and address both their immediate needs and their vision for recovery. There should be some steps to achieve these goals. First that includes locating older people, checking their records in service facilities to find out if the expected numbers of older people have attended and, if not, investigate why they are not attending. There should be an outreach approach into assessments, which can include staff, volunteers and other older people to locate vulnerable older people in particular. Mutual support networks of older people can also be used to gather information on the whole community of older people and also the civic, religious and other community leaders can be enqui red because getting on track of older people is the foremost important task in order to make developments for them. Group meetings should be organized by using participatory rapid appraisal (PRA) techniques to allow older people to identify, prioritize and begin to address their problems and explore their capacities. It should be ensured that older people are represented on relevant decision-making and advisory bodies such as disaster preparedness committees, emergency co-ordination committees, nursing care homes and special issue groups. Older people all over the world have begun to control their own lives and influence decisions in their own communities. Basic training should be provided to older peoples representatives and other home care centers to help them to identify the most vulnerable members in a community. Several basic needs have been identified for older people. If there homes have been destroyed, they need building materials and labor to help rebuild shelters. To cook food, they need help for collecting fuel and other ways to share cooking arrangements with neighbors or other individuals. Clothing, fooding and shelter are among the basic items required for older people. Nursing care homes should also provide some work to older people; agencies should address the basic needs and should therefore take account of the some needful factors. Many older people are not automatically given shelter by their adult children and they need and find shelter for themselves. Nursing care homes are aiming at grouping older people together with people, whom they do not know (for example, to make up the numbers required to qualify for shelter or for allocation of supplies such as utensils, plastic sheeting and blankets) can lead to problems of exclusion and abuse as the larger group rejects or resents the presence of the older person. There are situations where basic shelter facilities provided by agencies working for older people leave older people sleeping on cold, hard, or damp surfaces may mean that chronic but manageable joint problems become acute and severely debilitating. But there are solutions to overcome theses problems. Nursing care homes are working on that. They are providing better services to older people. Nursing centers are providing proper fooding system to them. They have simple age-related clinics to deal with issues such as joint pain and other ailments associated with ageing are especially relevant where displaced people are sleeping in the open or on hard, cold or damp surfaces. These clinics are helping in reducing pressure on limited resources by treating groups of older people together, and also they are limit revolving door patterns of repeated patient visits to regular clinics. They make ensured that drugs are available to treat any kind of diseases suffering by older people. Several psychosocial programs are developing that involve and support older people in all conditions. In situations of displacement this may mean dealing with issues such as the fear of death and burial in a foreign place, as well misery for losses already sustained. These nursing care homes are also providing proper food that is digestible by older people for example: maize flour rather than whole grain maize etc.), and that takes account of digestive disorders and a common lack of teeth. They provide food which is familiar and culturally acceptable. They also provide Lobby for supplementary feeding systems to include severely malnourished older people. They also ensure that food for work programs do not exclude older people from food provision and older people have the resources (such as fuel, water and utensils) to cook their food rations if they are not taking from the nursing care home. If the older people are living alone or in pairs, it is important that the utensils available to them are manageable and enough for them. Older people should be linked with their families, only if the family as well the older people are ready to keep the relationship. These agencies are understanding and taking care of the particular risk factors and issues affecting the nutritional status older people. Generally, older people try to hide their sorrow and bad experiences, they stay calm and patient, they try to gather together in groups to support each other and try to share their problems. Older people always want to build, not to destroy. Journal of Aging Social Policy, Volume 21, Issue 1 January 2009 CONCLUSION Nursing care homes for older peole and agencies working for older people teke care of the their interestd and also some of them rely on fundraising income to achieve their aims. The fundraisers make sure the these kinds of organizations achieve maximum impact in their fundraising activities, drawing on the strength of organizations brand to encourage supporters to make whatever contribution they can to their work.The agency is working for the welfare of socially isolated and disadvantaged older people and making efforts to overcome all the obstacles coming in their way to provide the best facility to the older people.For the disadvantaged older people, Christmas was never the same without their familybut the places like Caravan Park of Queensland gave them somewhere to stay and arranged counseling for them à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..things are better nowthey are looking forward to Christmas. Most of the elderly people are living alone. From the findings we came to know that there are 1.5 million people over 70 in the Netherlands, of whom a third are living alone. Usually older people in nursing care home have lost their partner. The largest majority of the older population still surviving and staying on their own. Half of the people over 70 still live with a partner. We can say that one in three lives alone. Only less than 10% live in an old age or nursing home. Many older people are only admitted to a home when they are very old other wise they go for nursing care homes and agencies which are working for older people. Only 3% of people in their seventies live in an old age or nursing home. Among people in their eighties the showed percentage is still higher, but the people living in homes are a minority (17%). It is only when people reach their nineties that half of them live in a home. More older people still have their partner It has been forecasted that in the next twenty years, these nursing homes are going to get older people as they are providing the best amenities to them in terms of food, shelter and cloth. The number of older people who are living on their own is expected to decrease. Some 47% of the people over seventy still have their partner and both of them residing in nursing care centers only. It is expected to become 53% in 2020. The average life expectancy will increase, especially among men. One of the causes for the increase in the number of elderly single people living on their own is that a smaller percentage will be admitted to old age and nursing homes. Between 1995 and 2000 the population over 70 increased by nearly 7%. Government policy of Dutch advocates that older people should go for such kinds of nursing home care centers and agencies working for them. The main aim of the policy is that people only get institutionalized when they can no longer live in their own environment and not with the help of organized home care. Statistics of Netherlands expects a increase in the percentage of older people admitted into care facilities. While the population over 70 will increase by 50% in the next 20 years, the number of people admitted to a home is expected to increase by 20%. Care in the home environment will be increasingly replaced institutionalized care. Moreover, there will be a big development in forms in between living totally on ones own and living in a home: for instance living semi-independently in an apartment complex geared to providing care on demand. REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Text referencing: News paper articles: Electronic sources: Websites Publications available from websites British Journal of Social Work 2009 39(4); doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcp024 The British journal of social work Journal of Aging Social Policy, Volume 21, Issue