Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Geography Study Notes - 890 Words

Geography – Unit One Notes What is Geography? Geography is the study of the world, how it works, and how people use and change the world as they live in it. Origins The word â€Å"Geography† comes from the Greek word â€Å"Geo.† Meaning earth and â€Å"graph† meaning writing. Definitions Population Denisty – Figure calculated by dividing the population of a region by the region’s area. Staristical Analysis – Studying collected data for the purposes of summarizing information to make it more usable and for making generalizations. Geotechnologies – New Geographic technologies, such as remote sensing, GPS and GIS, that have†¦show more content†¦(Natural resources, way of life, climate.) * Knowledge of geography promotes a greater understanding of the books and newspapers we read. For example, it helps farmers choose crops best suited to the climatic and soil conditions of the areas in which they live. Themes of Geography The Five Main Themes of Geography are: Place, Location, Human and Environmental Interaction, Human Movement, and Regions. They are described as: 1.Place – Refers to physical and human characteristics of an area. Physical characteristics = The shape of the landforms and the bodies of water, climate, siol, and plant and human life. Human characteristics = the amount of people living in an area, how close together they live, social traits, culteral traditions, and political instituitions. 2. Locations – Refers to the significance of where one thing is in relation to another. The study of location is basically how many physical characteristics (harbours, riviers, fertile plains, and mountaineous terrain) affect human settlement, and the way places are used. 3. Human and Environmental Development – This refers to the changs people have made in their environment and the changes they continue to make. 4. Human Movement – Refers to the geographical study of movement in relation to the routes people take, why these movements occur, in addition to the cause/affect of human settlement. 5 Regions – Refers to how areas differenciate from one another.Show MoreRelatedAp Human Geography - Essay1398 Words   |  6 PagesWelcome to AP Human Geography Ms. Anderson Phone: 548-4051 room 112 E-mail: Course Description: The new college-level social studies course provides students with the opportunity to identify and analyze contemporary concerns and problems from local, national, and global perspectives in Human Geography. 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